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Throughout my final project my theme was protection. 'Protection in numbers' of the animal grouping methods and protection to the environment through using materials and processes that are as kind to our world as possible. The imagery inspiration of starlings, deer and fish are beautiful subject matters, but another subject surrounding them is their decline in their habitat, or their mistreatment by humans. We need to be far more considerate to our surroundings and try to make a difference where we can. Please see my links and get involved.


Starlings have declined by 80% since 1979. Although some see them as a pest, this huge reduction in their numbers is worrying. Do we really want to risk losing another species? Especially one which brings such beauty into the world with their spectacular murmuration displays?​

The illegal hunting of deer, especially for sport and trophy head rewards, is something that sickens me, as with all sport hunting activities. I simply don't understand why people think it's necessary. Please see the connecting link and help if you can.

The overfishing of UK and international waters is destroying our marine life and needs to be addressed before we ruin it beyond reversal.  Please see the connecting link and educate yourself with helpful actions.

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